Kemppi Master Tig MLS3000

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Kemppi Master Tig MLS3000 : $2,200 - $2,500 AUD ($2,420 - $2,750 Inc. GST)

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Used Kemppi Master Tig MLS3000
$2500 for the Basic model MTL
$2700 for the Pulse model MTX
DC Only
MasterTig MLS 3000 sets the standard for industrial TIG welding. Precise and refined welding quality for workshop or site use, MasterTig MLS 3000 has become an industry standard, offering the necessary performance in a lightweight and portable design. A popular choice for the welding professional, offering choice 300 A power source, delivering 30% duty cycle performance at the maximum stated output current. We also give you an option to choose from 4 different control panels (MTL/MTX/MTM/MTZ), allowing you to select exactly the parameter control that's right for your welding application.
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