HBJ1.2 Welding Positioner (1.2 Ton Capacity)

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HBJ1.2 Welding Positioner (1.2 Ton Capacity) : $14,622 AUD ($16,084 Inc. GST)
Brand new 1.2Ton positioner, very well made featuring Schneider electrics and invertek motors.
Model: HBJ1.2
Pendant Control: 24VAC circuit, push button with 4 metre cable
Input voltage: 415V/3phase/50-60Hz
Rotation Capacity: 1.2 metric tons at 200mm
Rotation Speed: 0.05-0.5 rpm
Tilting Capacity: 1.2 metric tons at 250mm c of g
Tilt Range: 0 to 135 Degrees
Tilt Speed: 135 degrees in 50 seconds
Rotation Drive Motor: 1.1 KW motor
Rotation Drive Control: 1.1 KW AC inverter
Tilt Drive Motor: 1.5 KW motor c/w brake
Positioners are designed to orient the work-piece at an optimum position for down-hand welding for the operator or welding head. The work-piece itself is mounted on the positioner table which can then be rotated and tilted to manipulate the work-piece into the required position.
The use of a welding positioner enables the operator to manipulate his work-piece un-assisted, provides accurate and consistent rotation speeds for high-quality welds and optimum deposition rates, saves time wasted by cranes, reduces accident hazards, speeds up work, and increases output through greater efficiency leading to a reduction in welding costs.