Auto Cut 200

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Auto Cut 200 : $12,990 AUD ($14,289 Inc. GST)
Brand New autocut 200, comes with machine torch.
AutoCut Series
* Precision – Performance – Productivity! Delivers premium cut performance on both mild steel and non-ferrous materials.
* Power Supply Designed for Reliable, Low Cost Operation. Features like the XT-301 consumable parts cartridge and the Machine Status Message Center make the Auto-Cut series easy to operate.
* O2 Plasma Cutting. For even better cut quality on mild steel, the Auto-Cut series offers O2 plasma cutting capability.
* Water Mist Secondary (WMS). For lowest cost non-ferrous cutting and unmatched cut quality, use our unique Water Mist Secondary (WMS) process with Nitrogen plasma and water shield.
* MaximumLife Parts. Maximum performance and life with MaximumLife parts on our XT-301 Torch.
* Full Featured Gas Control GCM-1000! Plasma and secondary pressures and flows precisely controlled at power supply with individual single stage regulators. Changing from the secondary gas to water mist secondary is simple with front panel selector switch.
* Patent Pending XT Torch Technology! Thermal Dynamics’ advanced XT Torch Technology brings plasma cutting to new levels of precision and productivity.
* Precision design and construction of the XT-301 torch and cartridge ensure exact relocation of the center-line of the cut after process changes.
* NEW SpeedLok Technology. Rapid engagement threads on retaining collar of keyless cartridge mean easy installation and quick return to production.
*Available in 100amps, 200amps or 300amps. O2 model available with seperate gas control and ARC starter.